M&O 2018

M&O 2018

Maison & Objet 2018

The next five days we'll exhibit in this event dedicated to design and decoration professionals the result of the creative dialogue that we developed with our artisans for the last four months. The objectif of this meeting: to suggest new uses of the Mexican craftsmanship.

Vegetal fibres, natural dyes and recycled plastic are some of the essential materials of our new collection that has drawn the attention of the "What's new" selection, a new area of M&O Exhibition created to communicate the spirit  of the 2018 session with an open selection of the newest products from seasoned exhibitors.

The publishing of these new pieces is coming soon. Meanwhile, some pictures...


M&O 2018 js_def
M&O 2018

M&O 2018

Maison & Objet 2018

The next five days we'll exhibit in this event dedicated to design and decoration professionals the result of the creative dialogue that we developed with our artisans for the last four months. The objectif of this meeting: to suggest new uses of the Mexican craftsmanship.

Vegetal fibres, natural dyes and recycled plastic are some of the essential materials of our new collection that has drawn the attention of the "What's new" selection, a new area of M&O Exhibition created to communicate the spirit  of the 2018 session with an open selection of the newest products from seasoned exhibitors.

The publishing of these new pieces is coming soon. Meanwhile, some pictures...
